20 Jahre Erfahrung haben uns zu einem der führenden Unternehmen für Erdbeobachtung gemacht. Wir arbeiten ständig an Innovationen unter Verwendung neuer Technologien, um zuverlässige Geoinformationen für eine nachhaltige Zukunft bereitzustellen. Finden Sie mehr heraus...
Unser Team trägt aktiv zum neuesten Stand der Forschung bei und treibt gerne Forschnungsthemen voran, von der Daten-getriebenen Wissenschaft bis hin zu automatisierten Verarbeitung für kommende Satellitendaten. Wir investieren in den Fortschritt und integrieren die neuesten Technologien um die bestmöglichen Standards zu erreichen, die höchsten Kundenerwartungen zu erfüllen und uns an die aktuelle Nachfrage anzupassen.
Die Remote Sensing Solutions GmbH (RSS) hat sich mit 20 Jahren Erfahrung zu einem der führenden Unternehmen für Erdbeobachtung in Deutschland entwickelt. Unser engagiertes Team von Experten mit akademischem Hintergrund greift auf ein umfangreiches praktisches und interdisziplinäres Wissen zurück.
Zusammenarbeit ist der Schlüssel zu neuen Erkenntnissen, zum Wissensaustausch und letztlich zum Vorteil aller Beteiligten aus Wissenschaft und Praxis. Deshalb erweitern wir ständig unser Netzwerk auf internationalen Konferenzen und Messen und arbeiten zunehmend mit Kommunen auf lokaler Ebene zusammen. Wir pflegen und erweitern ständig unser Netzwerk von zuverlässigen Forschungs- und Geschäftspartnern.
Besuchen Sie uns in den Ten Towers
With extensive knowledge in ecology and more than 20 years of remote sensing experience, Florian initiates, designs and manages large international projects. He teaches environmental monitoring at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University.
Jonas is a geographer whose expertise lies in earth observation and environmental monitoring. He manages international R&D, joint projects, and also advises organizations on conservation, risk assessment and monitoring techniques.
Anna Brand
Anna is a remote sensing and GIS specialist who works on the application of deep learning in environmental and disaster monitoring tasks. She holds a master’s degree in applied geoinformatics from Trier University.
Hien Nguyen
Hien is a software engineer with a diverse background in IT, environmental science, and earth observation. His contribution involves automating workflows, streamlining processes, and the development of RSS's cloud applications for earth observation.
Werner is specialized in digital image processing for a wide range of satellite instruments, as well as GIS-based landscape analyses and modeling. He studied cartography and geoinformatics in Munich.
Anna Seiche
With degrees in geography and geoinformatics, Anna develops machine learning solutions that enhance environmental monitoring and streamline data analysis, focusing on detecting landscape changes and natural hazards.
Dr. Maximilian Schwarz
Maximilian has a background in geography and climate and environmental sciences. His research focus lies on large scale analyses of environmental related factors that explain the relationships between natural resources and human activities.
Isabel Augscheller
Isabel has a background in geography and climate and environmental sciences with focus on remote sensing and GIS. Her work is dedicated to environmental monitoring and satellite image processing.
Clara Siegert
Clara studied geography with focus on remote sensing. She specializes in cloud processing of large image data sets and automatized processing using machine learning algorithms.
Stefan is a remote sensing and GIS specialist with a background in geoinformatics. His work deals predominantly with process and workflow automatization, as well as software development.
Deha Umarhadi
Deha has a background in remote sensing and GIS. His focus is on the utilization of multi-sensor remote sensing data for forest and environmental monitoring, especially in tropical peatlands.
Stephanie Fovenyessy
Stephanie is a cartographer with a background in remote sensing and GIS. She focuses on environmental monitoring and satellite imagery analysis.
Levente Papp
Levente is a Remote Sensing and GIS specialist. He is an expert in object-based image analysis.
Lukas Aschenbrenner
Lukas is a geographer with focus on forest related topics. He works on the application of deep learning in monitoring tasks.
Tobias Beetz
Tobias holds a double degree in computer science and geography. In previous projects he gained a deep understanding of the app development cycle, which he brings to his current role as a full-stack developer.
Kevin Kuonath
Kevin is a software developer with a background in machine learning who studied Electrical Engineering at TU Munich. His interest in conservation and environmental monitoring finally led him to apply his skills to the field of remote sensing.
Hannes Flaschenträger
Hannes is a software developer with a strong background in geography. He is specialized in web development and web mapping applications
Claudia Roeben
Claudia supports the management with coordination and organizational work
Juilson Jubanski
Juilson studied geodesy at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). He is part of the team and specializes in photogrammetric processing and analysis of aerial photographs and LiDAR data.
Marina Fischer
Marina is specialized in Geomatics Engineering. She has a strong background in the fields of geodesy and geoinformatics.