SWOS policy report available
March 21, 2019Join us at the ESA Living Planet Symposium!
May 1, 2019RSS is currently contributing to new research on fire detection and management technology, driven by the project "FireSense". FireSense is a collaborative effort between RSS, ZEBRIS GIS and Consulting GbR, Max-Planck-Institut for Chemistry, the German Space Agency (DLR), and King's College London. The project aims to develop an improved fire information system to support environmental agencies, protected area management and fire fighters. The system intends to assess vegetation and peat fires, derive trace gas and aerosol emissions, and map burned areas. To do so, it will integrate sensor data from drones, planes or helicopters and satellites with newly developed and substantially improved algorithms.
Recently, a scheduled burn was carried out in Brandenburg and the FireSense project partners worked together to record it. The concept is to record the fire from multiple sensors, calibrate and contrast the results, and use this information to develop specialized and optimized tools for the integrative fire management system. Our drone pilot was out recording infrared footage over the burn and will be running similar tests in Kruger National Park, South Africa before the project's end.