Join us at the COP13!
October 19, 2018
Best paper award for RSS and ICIPE at AARSE
November 30, 2018The publication is a collection of success stories on how Copernicus data meets the concrete needs of regional policy making. The RSS contribution “How Copernicus supports the energy transition“ was selected and included as a success story.
The launch of “The Ever Growing Use of Copernicus across Europe’s Regions” at the European Parliament on November 22nd 2018, organized by the European Commission, the European Space Agency and NEREUS, became an opportunity to showcase and celebrate the collective and collaborative dimension of the deployment of Copernicus at the local and regional level.
The publication will be distributed in future key events of the European Commission, the European Space Agency and NEREUS and is now available in digital version. The event was streamed online and covered via Twitter, engaging with the broader Copernicus user community around the globe via the hashtag #Copernicus4Regions.
As NEREUS Vice-President Plano concluded, “now we need to spread the work and make sure that the publication finds its way to regions, politicians, public administrations and all potential stakeholders beyond the consolidated Copernicus user community”. Working sessions on topics with high relevance for local and regional authorities are planned for 2019.
You'll find a copy of the PDF here (see p.91 in the digital PDF, or p.178 in the print version): http://esamultimedia.esa.int/docs/EarthObservation/copernicus4regions_2018.pdf
The video of launch event can be found on YouTube: https://youtu.be/gbffXiL5HVA