
November 6, 2017

Multi-Spectral- and 3D-Monitoring of Vegetation by UAVs

Objective of this EUROSTARS research project is the development and evaluation of a multi-spectral measurement device for improved monitoring of vegetation by drones. Application fields are forest inventories and the monitoring of large agricultural production areas.
October 14, 2017

Satellite-based Wetland Observation System (SWOS)

Enhanced wetland monitoring, assessment and indicators to support European and global environmental policy is the title of the SWOS policy report that identifies the links between the Horizon 2020 Satellite-based Wetland Observation Service (SWOS) project outcomes and existing policy frameworks at European and global levels.
March 17, 2017

Spatial decision support for a sustainable and efficient energy transition

Energy transition is governed at European and national scale, leading to laws and regulations such as the German EEG. Regional administrations are often not aware of the full potential and limitations to produce renewable energies. In the research project COP4EE-2 RSS uses satellite imagery to determine the potential for renewable energies on a district level.
March 16, 2017

FireSENSE – Improving fire monitoring

The multilateral research project FireSense aims at developing an improved fire information system to support environmental agencies and fire fighting. It includes early detection of active fires, assessment of vegetation and peat fires by thermal infrared satellites, derivation of trace gas and aerosol emissions and the mapping of burned areas.
May 6, 2016

Detection of marine plastic pollution

The research project Sentinels4Marine Plastic Waste focused on assessing the feasibility of using Earth Observation data for global and local monitoring of plastic debris abundance in both fresh- and saltwater aquatic ecosystems. This interdisciplinary project combined remote sensing data analysis and in situ measurements of macro- and microplastic debris to assess the potential of remote sensing technologies as a monitoring tool.